37 weeks

37 weeks

Thursday, January 6, 2011

update at 37 weeks

Well we are almost there.  Getting excited and can't wait for little Ethan Jeremiah to arrive!  I think I have read every book and article there is to read about babies and pregnancy.  I've pretty much cleaned this house from top to bottom and arranged all the baby's room.  Not really anything else to do but wait for the baby! 

It's been hard to sleep now, getting really uncomfortable plus the insomnia doesn't help. 

Having chocolate cravings like crazy...my latest story...went to Walmart to buy cereal and marshmallows so I can make rice krispies for a cake...went down the wrong isle..ended up with Nestle Quick Chocolate milk, chocolate donuts and two tubs of ice cream...chocolate of coarse...picked up the items I went for and then checked out...moved up enough so the next person behind me could pay for their items and opened the box of donuts.  Ate half the box before I got home, I live 2 miles from Walmart and I hit all green lights!  Ahh..I sure hope these cravings go away the day the baby is born or I am doomed. 

We had our appointment at the hospital and filled out all the legal paperwork to get baby's birth certificate, ssn, etc.  had our tour of the hospital room, it was weird knowing that is was going to be for me this time, I've been in these rooms with other moms before.

Getting excited to see Terri, (my mother in law) she will be here in less than 2 weeks! 

Not much else to tell just waiting now. 

I've updated the baby's room pics again. 

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

update at 33 weeks

Well I'm only 7 weeks away if I go full term..kind of scary, last couple of weeks the reality of it hit me that the baby will be coming very soon.  I am over the scared part and getting really excited as he moves like crazy inside me.  Michael is talking to him more and I think getting more excited for his little Alien to pop out...Those of you know Michael loves his Alien movies and at times it seems like there is an alien inside me and he is going just pop out of me any day with all the kicking and moving he does.  It's kind of cool....Michael makes his usual noises so I am not sure if the baby will recognize his voice but he will recognize the weird noise's he makes when he goes to talk to the baby...it's cute.  
Baby's room is almost done, still need to put up a few more things on the wall but hopefully will be done by the end of the week!  I'll post more pictures when it's all done.
I had my first contractions today...I guess they were the braxton hicks ones, all I know is it was very different and it kind of hurt!
Anyways baby is doing well and so am I, starting to get on a better eating pattern so that once the baby is born I am motivated to eat better and exercise again. 

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Update at 30 weeks

Well it has been a while I know, things have been so busy and trying to get organized before the baby comes.  Had a couple of colds which have been hard to get rid of but over all I have felt great.  Indigestion has set in so I finally broke down and bought some tums...my new best friend!  Ugh.  The baby is doing great, really active, he is moving like crazy and it feels like he is playing soccer in my tummy.  It's getting harder to get up out of bed, or off the couch and putting on shoes and socks...what fun now. 

I've been working in the baby's room a lot, pretty much done with it and now getting ready for the holidays.  It seems that once they are over that Ethan will be here so I am starting to get nervous about the delivery and how it will all happen.  I am trying to keep my mind busy with so many things so that I don't have time to think about it much..  

Hormones are a great thing...just ask Michael...lol.  Between my bouts of crying, frustrations and other emotions he is hanging in there with me.  He has been a great help around the house with things that are just getting to hard for me to do.  He says he is ready now for Ethan but I am not sure that either of us are yet. It's getting more and more real everyday especially since the baby's room is set up.

I have started my appointments every two weeks now, I have my last ultrasound tomorrow that we are going to, I am so excited to see him again.  I'll update again after. 
Well I think that's about it for now so I'll be back to update later. 

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Update at 22 weeks

Okay so the little guy has been kicking and moving like crazy which is really cool, Michael can now feel him moving as well when he puts his hand on my tummy. The baby had moved and made a little bulge on my stomach, which hurt a little but the fact that he did that was so cool that we were both in amazement over it, we felt him and my stomach was so hard and then the next moment he had moved. 

We finally decided on a first name and Ethan it is!

  I have been feeling great, back to my old self again it seems. I've seemed to figure out a way to get my stuffy nose problem at night fixed, using a humidifier...which in turn turns our bedroom into a sauna...Michael is still adjusting and not at all happy about it, but I keep telling him only 4 more months and he can have his room back to normal I need my sleep as much as possible right now! 

My cravings for taco's are gone now...I think I just got plain sick of eating them after having so many...but Chocolate milk has still stuck with me this whole pregnancy. The itching has started and I have really been trying not to scratch but oh man is it horrible...and I've been told it gets worse!

We are getting ready to start the baby's room, getting it painted and getting the furniture set up, I am hoping to have that all done by end of Oct so that it will be done by the time I have my shower, which I am so excited about now!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Update at 17 weeks

     Well I have been feeling great except for the usual stuffy nose and allergies.  I have been craving a few things but mostly mexican food...I think I could eat taco's everyday!  I am able to drink coffee and eat sweets again, able to make it through 4 or 5 hours of sleep before I need to use the restroom and have a lot of energy until about 4 in the afternoon.  Taking walks which seems so easy before is quite a struggle but I am managing to get some in, especially after I eat taco bell,  but at a much slower pace. 
     I have started to feel the baby kicking and moving, the last two days he has been active enough for me to feel him.  It was quite amazing once I realized what was going on.  Now I have chocolate milk at bedtime and wait to see if he moves enough so I can feel him...Such an amazing thing!
     Now it's time to start finding a name and getting the room ready.  I have been in a cleaning mode for last few weeks trying to get all my winter cleaning done early so that I can enjoy the holiday and also since it will probably be harder to move about.  I think that's about all the changes going on with me and the baby boy.
   Michael is doing great, he's such a help around here and is so excited to have a baby boy soon.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Ultrasound today!

Well we had our ultrasound today, my mom came with us and we had the doctor write it down for us and seal it in an envelope so we could open it with family...what a fun night that was there was waiting for people to arrive...excitement and anticipation...then opening the envelope, silence and IT'S A BOY!!!  Disbelief because I think we really believed it was a girl...We are so excited to know and now we can pick names and decorate...What an awesome gift God has given us!  Thank you Lord!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

12 weeks..

It is now July 16th I am 12 1/2 weeks along and we have another Dr. Appt and we get to hear the heartbeat, (150-160's). Wow...so cool... can't beleive that we are having a baby...(this is repeated almost on a daily basis). I have only gained 5 pounds but I am starting to show, it is obvious that I am either getting fat or pregnant and I have just given up on regular clothes and moved on to maternity clothes now, so much more comfy.  All blood work has come back normal and we have opted out of any genetic testing or amnio tests! We are trusting God, He is in control, what is will be and it is all for His Glory!  

  I go again for last blood work on Aug 4th.